
Autumn Lake Healthcare at Chestertown

Formerly known as Chestertown Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Autumn Lake Healthcare at Chestertown is a short-term rehabilitation and skilled nursing facility. The care options include post-acute rehabilitation, wound care management, and respite care.

This facility is an independently owned part of Autumn Lake Health Care. Autumn Lake Healthcare has fourteen facilities throughout New Jersey, Maryland, and Connecticut. The only other Autumn Lake facility in Maryland is Alice Manor in Baltimore County.

The facility is smaller than the Maryland average, and is 86% full. This means that at last check, it housed 76 residents.

It may be best that this nursing home does not have too many patients. By and large, the ratings and the inspection reports show the kind of facility you expect to generate a nursing home lawsuit. If that seems like a harsh analysis from a nursing home attorney, check out the ratings below. Medicare certainly does not have any ax to grind. It is also worth pointing out that the Autumn Lake facility in Baltimore County has similarly terrible Medicare ratings and inspections.

The licensed nursing staff hours per resident per day falls about 40 minutes short of the average in Maryland. The Medicare ratings also reflect that the quality of care the residents are receiving is only a 1/5, followed by a 3/5 rating on the health inspections.

The facility does, however, have only four health deficiencies, which is six lower than the state average and three lower than the national average.

We have been unable to find any lawsuits filed against an Autumn Lake Healthcare facility, but this does not mean that they might not exist.

You can visit Autumn Lake Healthcare at Chestertown at 415 Morgnec Road, Chestertown, Maryland 21620. You can also call the facility at 410-778-1900.


Below are the closest competitors to this nursing home along with the driving distance and miles the competitor is from the facility.

1Vital Statistics
Number of Beds:92 certified beds

Beds in the nursing home that have been approved by the federal government to participate in Medicare or Medicaid.

Accepts:Medicare and Medicaid

Shows if the nursing home participates in the Medicare, Medicaid, or both.

2Key Ratings
Star Rating Summary
Overall Rating

Medicare assigns the overall star rating based on a nursing homes's performance on 3 separate measures: Health inspections, staffing, and quality measures. Each of these domains have their own star ratings, with more stars meaning better quality of care

Health Inspection

Medicare assigns the star rating based on a nursing home's weighted score from recent health inspections. More stars means fewer health risks


Medicare assigns the star rating based on the nursing home's staffing hours for Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practice Nurses (LPNs), Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs), and Nurse aides. More stars means a better level of staffing per nursing home resident

Below Average
RN StaffingBelow Average
Quality Measures

Medicare assigns the star rating based on data from a select set of clinical data measures. More stars means better quality of care

3Key Short Stay Statistics
DescriptionPeak Healthcare At ChestertownMaryland
Percent of short-stay residents who self-report moderate to severe pain
Lower percentages are better.
Percentage of SNF residents with pressure ulcers that are new or worsened
Lower percentages are better.
0.0%Not Available
Percent of short-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the seasonal influenza vaccine
Higher percentages are better.
Percent of short-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the pneumococcal vaccine
Higher percentages are better.
Percentage of short-stay residents who got antipsychotic medication for the first time
Lower percentages are better.
4Key Long Stay Statistics
DescriptionPeak Healthcare At ChestertownMaryland
Percent of long-stay residents experiencing one or more falls with major injury
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents with a urinary tract infection
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents who self-report moderate to severe pain
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay high-risk residents with pressure ulcers
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay low-risk residents who lose control of their bowels or bladder
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents who have or had a catheter inserted and left in their bladder
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents who were physically restrained
Lower percentages are better.
Percentage of long-stay residents whose ability to move independently worsened
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents who lose too much weight
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents who have depressive symptoms
Lower percentages are better.
Percentage of long-stay residents who received an antianxiety or hypnotic medication
Lower percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the seasonal influenza vaccine
Higher percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents assessed and given, appropriately, the pneumococcal vaccine
Higher percentages are better.
Percent of long-stay residents who received an antipsychotic medication
Lower percentages are better.
5Inspection Summary

Date of standard health inspection:10/19/2017
Total number of health deficiencies:12
Average number of health deficiencies in Maryland:14.9

Client Reviews
“When my sister was killed, we turned to Miller & Zois to fight for us. They stood by us every step of the way and we ended up getting more money than we asked for.” C.B. (Baltimore City)
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