Before You Need a Nursing Home Injury Lawyer

Even more so than most medical malpractice cases, nursing home injuries are usually preventable. Every mistake that causes harm or death has been caused countless times before. Doctors and nurses and orderlies know what they should do, and they know the consequences of ignoring their duties. Our firm handles nursing home injuries. Every one of them is heartbreaking. We put our families and friends in trust to people and corporations who, all too frequently, take our money, and abuse that trust. No family should have to go through this.
Our nursing home injury page is designed to give Maryland families information to:
- How to choose a Maryland nursing home;
- Deal with nursing home injuries before they cause irreversible damage; and
- Learn about the steps in a Maryland nursing home lawsuit.
The reality is that all of the research in the world does not give you immunity from negligence in an assisted living facility. Awful things happen all of the time even in nursing homes that appear to be quite good. But what good research can do for you is give you the best possible chance to put yourself on someone you love in a nursing home that is most likely to provide quality treatment. That is really all you can do.
Getting a Nursing Home Lawyer in MarylandIf someone you love has injuries of unknown origin, bed sores, a broken hip or frequent falls and you are suspicions of elder abuse or nursing home negligence, a personal injury lawsuit may be filed on their behalf.
If you believe that you or someone you love has suffered a serious injury as the result of nursing home abuse or nursing home neglect, call our nursing home attorneys at (800) 553-8082 for get a free Internet consultation to discuss a potential lawsuit. There are no fees or expenses unless a recovery is obtained.
More Maryland Nursing Home Lawsuit Information- How much are nursing home lawsuits worth in Maryland?
- Bed Sore Injuries in Nursing Homes
- Decubitus Ulcers and Deformities (background and Maryland law)
- Frequent Flyer Defendants in Maryland Nursing Home Cases
- Sample Nursing Home Complaint (sample lawsuit against Manor Care in death case)
- Expert Report (sample certificate of merit and expert report defending Manor Care in a nursing home case)
- Plaintiff's Expert Report (expert report used by our nursing home lawyers in a lawsuit against Manor Care)
- Sample Mediation Statement in a Nursing Home Case (example mediation statement in an effort to settle a nursing home case)
- Maryland Nursing Home Law Update (new Maryland high court opinion dealing with a nursing home arbitration clause)